Monday, May 21, 2012

Top Ten Toothpaste Tips!

Toothpaste is known for keeping your pearly whites extra sparkly and healthy, but there are many other things that the germ-fighting product can be used for. These tips, provided by Gizmodo, are sure to save you time and can also help resolve common problems without breaking the bank!

1. Freshen your Palms: Anytime you are cooking with fresh herbs, spices, or vegetables that leave a stiff odor on hands, toothpaste is great for removing that strong stench. Onions, garlic, and seafood are great examples.

2. Defog Goggles: The stubborn film that appears inside of the goggles can be easily removed with the mild abrasive in toothpaste. This includes diving masks, eye wear that is worn for sports, and motorcycle goggles, which can fog up regularly. It is best if you lightly wipe the surface with a clean towel then rinse.

3. Remove Soap-Scum: Apply toothpaste to your shower door and rub with a damp towel or sponge. If there is a significant amount of build-up, allow the toothpaste mixture to soak on the doors or walls for about 5 minutes before rinsing.

4. Removing Crayon Marks: Apply toothpaste to a damp sponge and rub the painted walls with the mixture. Crayons can be difficult to remove, but toothpaste has been shown to fade and remove markings.

5. Bottle Odors: Use a bottle scrubber and toothpaste to clean the inside of baby bottles. The toothpaste works great to knock out that sour milk smell that lingers even after washing. Be sure to rinse the bottles well before use.

6. Clearing Zits: Everyone hates looking in the mirror and noticing those little red bumps that appear on your face. Dab a small amount of toothpaste on the blemish right before bedtime then rinse off in the morning. This procedure can also be used when you have a bee sting or itchy bug bite. The toothpaste will dry the spot out and can reduce the appear of the blemish.

7. Cleaning Jewelry: Using a very soft toothbrush and a tiny amount of toothpaste, brush the dull metal jewelry. For jewelry that is stained or discolored, soak the item in a cup of water with dissolved toothpaste. Do not use the toothpaste on real pearls due to potential damage to the surface. Please be sure to contact your jeweler for specific details regarding more expensive or valuable jewelry.

8. Mini-Manicure: Clean your fingernails or toenails with toothpaste and a soft bristle brush and paste to buff the surface for a strong and shiny look.

9. Hide Drink Rings: If you forget to put a coaster under your drink, don't panic. A soft cloth with a dab of toothpaste works great at removing the lightly colored rings on wooden furniture.

10. Remove Carpet Stains: Stains on your floor can be hard to remove and a nuisance to look at. Scrubbing the carpet with toothpaste and warm water in a circular motion is great for pulling up those dark spots left behind by a drink spill or other accident.

-Please note that these tips are most effective when using the actual paste product instead of gel toothpastes. In addition to the cosmetic and cleaning uses of toothpaste, be sure to remember its' most important function and continue to brush your pearly whites regularly!