Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yet another wonderful smile!

Our office received this beautiful card and we wanted to share it with you.

Dear Dr Valeriano -

As the front of the card says - we should all use the gifts He has given us. You all exemplify that command! With each individual gift you have provided such a welcoming and cheerful office and service. You all put patients at ease with your relaxed nature. We never heard an unkind word or anyone ever snapping at another. The front desk never made us feel as foolish as we already felt when we missed an appointment or came at the wrong time. Your outreach mission is a constant reminder of the needs of others and that charity can be found everywhere. I loved how you emphasize positive reinforcement over reprimands! You were always efficient, on time and attentive. Can you tell how thrilled we have been with our association? It was a joy to watch our daughter glance in mirrors yesterday at her beautiful smile! Again - you have given the gift of pride, confidence, and happiness! Thank you for such an outstanding experience!! Many thanks!

From our family to yours.

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